Saturday, 3 January 2015

Bloody Resolutions

Resolutions. We love making them, why? Because humans love the "idea"  of a new start, pressing reset, recreating ourselves blah blah blah
I think it's okay honestly it's just annoying to hear and read about it  every single day. That's another thing, why do we still seek validation ? If your resolution is to talk to God more often, why post it on Facebook?That said, if there is an account I do not know of please do tag me, I'd love to talk to heavenly hosts via Facebook and figure out if all dogs really go to heaven because I'm truly concerned about some of the stuff iv seen, plus I'd be dammed if I let a puppy poop outside my golden mansion, it will probably devalue the property . Alright back to it, resolutions,  make them but for Christ's sake keep them to yourself, after all they are for you not for the world. J Cole (rapper)  once sang "if they don't know your dreams, then they can't shoot them down".

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