Saturday, 3 January 2015

21st Century Girl (Poem)

I wrote this poem thinking about the experiences the modern girl goes through all in the name of love and or a happy ever after. I use some well, "flowery" language. However I don't dilute my words as they leave my mind so feel free to leave this blog if you can't handle some adult language. And don't worry about my punctuation, I know I don't.  So here it is... 

sensitive senses sensing incentives to improve ,emancipation from being poor in the head but her ego is a tumour so she grows a big head because they tell they love her when she's giving head, he will put her to bed but never leave her mind at rest, restless nights engulfed in self doubt he isn't there to listen so she speaks to herself  "does he love me? who's he touchin hugging mind fucking?"I'm the only one he should be lying to and lying next to,if she can ride him then I can flex too" now all she wants to do is improve the sex through videos of women in their lowest form eating and swallowing seeds like vitamin tablets "I'm sure he will stay if I ride it and hide it inside me,maybe he will stop loving everyone besides me.." Meanwhile he just playing the game 30love, lovers receive deuces and backhand slaps, tears pouring out like opened taps he just surfs through all the gaps, spaces between what she should do and what she might do,the perfect seducer leaving her weak for weeks it doesn't feel like a weekend every time the week ends, she loses friends he gains faith in his ability to fuck them, now she needs their after 5glasses of wine wisdom but doesn't trust them, he leaves her alone the way she came into the world ,calling him lover and bae don't make him stay or make her his girl.